Sep 5, 2014

A Cave Drawing (Just Like the Nomads!)

I admit that history is our hardest thing we've come across so far. I thought for sure it'd be mathematics, but we're actually sailing right along in that aspect. I read her stories from history. I pause several tiems to engage her , but she gets facts confused and loses interest. I have got to find a way to make history fun.

As a stretch of an effort, today we decided to paint our version of cave drawings. While she painted we talked about why the nomads painted in caves, what they painted, and different things they used to paint with. It was pretty fun and I'm so thrilled with the outcome.

To make your own cave drawing, simply choose three colors of paint (we used acrylics) and separate them out in your palette (a paper plate works well, too). The best colors are black, a reddish brown, and a peachy tan. Then cut out a large square from a brown paper bag and crinkle it up into a ball, then lay ti flat. This is to simulate the different lines on the cave wall.Then just paint away!

I'm hoping that every time she looks at her painting she's reminded of the nomads. Eventually, after thinking about them often, she'll remember all about them. 

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