Oct 19, 2014

Field Trips are Awesome!

One of my favorite things about homeschooling is the field trips. I love spending time with my children and experiencing the fun that our city has to offer. Finding a learning experience in our every day and making each day an exciting adventure is awesome.

And I'm so incredibly blessed because I found a local co-op that organizes other events for us as well. We don't g to all of them because they can add up over time, but we went to Cracker Country last month.

Cracker Country is a themed area of a small U.S. town staged as a reenactment of 100 years ago. It is really really fun to visit and temporarily live in a part of our history.

Each building had at least one member of staff to explain and describe how like life was back in the 1900's. We spent a lot of time in the schoolhouse where there were a lot of busy actviities for children while they learned about schoolhouse life.

Gaia's favorite part was learning how to churn butter and then getting to taste the fruits of her labor.

I really appreciated how they provided some post-trip activity ideas. Although Gaia didn't like the home made butter taste-wise, she did like making it and learning about the process.

Overall, the trip was a success! If you're in Tampa, Florida at any time and you have the opportunity, make sure to check out Cracker Country, We plan to go again in December for the Christmas event.

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